Winning the fight against blood cancer

DKMS is an international organisation that recruits and manages potential stem cell donors worldwide. They wanted to encourage more people to register as a potential match, pledge money or volunteer their time. Instead of bombarding people with statistics or trying to guilt them into action, we took a more human approach. We told the DKMS story in a clear and emotional way, at the same time encouraging activism amongst a young audience.

We developed a responsive web platform, animated films and social media campaigns to make users feel involved and even entertained, while communicating key facts and messages in a friendly, approachable way.

Easy for users

Visitors to the site enjoy a well-organized, simplified layout that leads them quickly to get involved, mainly through registration or donation.

Dkms Ipad Home

Germany: from 18.000 to 46.140 donors (+256%)*

*Registrations per month in comparable period since launch.

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Something for everyone

Dynamic social platforms feed additional content to the site and promote volunteer action around donor drives and other fundraising initiatives.

Dkms Form

Poland: from 5.356 to 9.532 donors (+178%)*

*Registrations per month in comparable period since launch.

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Simplifying the science

Short films using illustrated characters explain the process of becoming a donor in a simple and charming way, making registration more likely.

Dkms Moviestill

UK: from 5.872 to 15.410 donors (+262%)*

*Registrations per month in comparable period since launch.

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In an independent usability study, "100% of the test participants were able to register online to become a donor and to donate money. This is an excellent result. 100% task completion rates are seldom reached."